There are formal and informal methods for facilitating and participating in meetings.

Parliamentary procedures are still used at annual meetings and board meetings.

Today we are talking about norming.  Norms are basically informal rules of conduct.  Norms are shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and procedures.

After a period of conflict, one idea might emerge as the best one, or the team might combine the best parts of several plans into a new solution.  Members begin to compromise and merge ideas and select from among the alternative ideas and solutions

Hopefully the team has an objective decision-making model to determine what is reasonable, feasible, practical, and financially affordable.

And then decisions are reached.

Sometimes it is necessary to employ structured discussion methods like parliamentary procedures.

Today most teams rely on the informal rules or norms of the organization’s values and beliefs to guide appropriate behaviors.  It is still wise to refer an objective decision-making as a guide for results-oriented discussions.

Never forget, working on a team is a task event (getting things done and getting things done right), and it is also a social event (getting along and giving and getting appreciation).

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