generational communication

Why Do Baby Boomers Think They’re Cool? [Video Blog]

Baby Boomers invented the word “Cool.” They were cool when they were young and the consider themselves cool today. Baby Boomers have worked hard to stay current. This has fueled their status.

Baby Boomers are the self-improvement generation. They are optimistic, team oriented and believe in personal and professional growth. Boomers like imported cars and designer everything […]

Why Do Baby Boomers Think They’re Cool? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:37-05:00

Generational Communication: What Happens When I Pull Out the Overhead Projector?

What Happens When I Pull Out the Overhead Projector?

You may have noticed that lately the younger generations don’t seem to appreciate your overhead projector and transparencies. You might be thinking, “How could this be?” and “I love my overhead projector.” But, in order to communicate well, we need to recognize that there are some diferences […]

Generational Communication: What Happens When I Pull Out the Overhead Projector?2020-03-20T12:46:37-05:00

Generational Communication: Why Don’t Millennials Ever Call Me Back? [Video Blog]

Why Don’t Millennials Ever Call Me Back?

Have you noticed that when you call the younger generation on the phone that they rarely ever call you back? Some of your younger co-workers might even say to you, “I don’t do phones.” There really is a difference in how the generations connect when it comes to communication.

Some […]

Generational Communication: Why Don’t Millennials Ever Call Me Back? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:37-05:00
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