
Why Don’t They Do What I Say? [Video Blog]

Persuading and Influencing Others:  Why Don’t They Do What I Say?

You are a powerful person in your organization with a lot of experience and knowledge. However, have you noticed that sometimes, when make your proclamations, people don’t follow through and take action? That makes you wonder, “Why don’t they do what I say?” or “Am I getting my point across?”

Why Don’t They Do What I Say? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:32-05:00

How Do I Get My Point Across? [Video Blog]

Persuading & Influencing Others: How Do I Get My Point Across?

Have you sometimes gotten feedback that you ramble when you share your thoughts and ideas? Ideas keep coming to you and your brain is like a super-computer. Yet, it seems hard to get your point across.

The key to getting your point across is to be […]

How Do I Get My Point Across? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:32-05:00

Am I An Effective Negotiator? [Video Blog]

Do you find yourself, given your important position in the organization, constantly negotiating contracts and conflicts. Ever wonder if your an effective negotiator?

Effective negotiators know there are three phases to negotiation:

  • Pre-play – gathering information
  • Inter-play – face-to-face discussions
  • Post-play – options if no agreement […]
Am I An Effective Negotiator? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00

Do I Sound Cooperative? [Video Blog]

Your coworkers won’t always agree with you. And when they do, they might sound aggravated or frustrated. You need keep your cool…however sometimes when they don’t get their way they have a hissy fit. Their voices rise in volume and pitch. Do you wonder if or how to sound cooperative?

One of the best ways to sound warm and cooperative is […]

Do I Sound Cooperative? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00

Is this a big deal? [Video Blog]

When there has been so much change in an organization over the past few years, there have been many power struggles, complaints, alliances, and dysfunctional behaviors. When it comes to arguments and fights, how does a person figure out, “what’s a big deal?”

During times of change, systems are influx and communications are strained. Often when people […]

Is this a big deal? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00
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