
Leadership: What Does Being Energetic have to do with Leadership?


Some leaders believe they always need to be a serious.  They keep their nose to the grindstone.  They have energy; energy for results.  They’re not going to jump around and cheerlead staff and distract them from their work.

I think they misunderstand the relationship of being energetic and being an effective leader.

Energy is contagious.  Our emotions are affected by the […]

Leadership: What Does Being Energetic have to do with Leadership?2022-04-28T13:39:05-05:00

Leadership: What Does Availability have to do with Leadership?


Some leaders believe they are most important.  They don’t have time to respond to every request from everybody for which they are responsible.  They have an office far from the front door for a reason.  They believe that they need to stay focused on their own agenda and not be distracted by others’ concerns.  Some relish in being aloof […]

Leadership: What Does Availability have to do with Leadership?2022-04-28T13:26:00-05:00

Effective Leadership: What Do Ethics have to do with Leadership?


To some, ethics, character, and the concept of moral intelligence seems old-fashioned.  Some leaders believe if they don’t cut corners, bend the rules, or shade the truth, they might miss opportunities.

I believe effective leaders need to build their reputation on an ethical foundation.

When the economy gets tough and it gets harder and harder to hit the numbers, sometimes ethics […]

Effective Leadership: What Do Ethics have to do with Leadership?2022-04-28T12:42:11-05:00

Effective Leadership: What Does Learning have to do with Leadership?


A leader needs to be a life-long learner.  Some leaders wonder why they need to invest even more time to study the stuff they believe they already know.  Many potential leaders claim that reading makes me tired.

There are many studies that show that the more you learn; the more you earn.

I couldn’t care less about that, but I am […]

Effective Leadership: What Does Learning have to do with Leadership?2022-04-28T12:31:14-05:00

Leadership: Do I have a Personal Brand?


The title of one of my presentations is “Be Your Own Brand”.  Your organization has products and services and a brand.   You also have a personal brand, and it needs to managed as well.

Approximately 2,500 hundred years ago they referred to it as ethos.  When people hear your name, what do they think?  If your reputation proceeds you, what […]

Leadership: Do I have a Personal Brand?2022-04-04T20:03:44-05:00
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