
Empowerment: How Do You Create an Empowerment Culture?


My coworkers say that they’ve “got my back”.  I’m not sure if that means they support me, or that they’ve “got my back” to push or throw me under the bus, or make it easier to point the finger at me if things don’t work out.  This is not an empowering culture.

So, how do you create an empowerment culture?

It […]

Empowerment: How Do You Create an Empowerment Culture?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00

Empowerment: What is Empowerment?


It is sometimes difficult to keep up with the trendy terms, the technical jargon, and the buzzwords.  Here’s a new one:  empowerment.  Sounds like a fancy word for “someone dumping their work on me”.

So, what is empowerment?

What I have found is if you ask five different people that question, you will probably get five different answers.  But there are […]

Empowerment: What is Empowerment?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00

Employee Engagement: What Can Leaders Do to Improve Employee Engagement?


Leaders play a big role when it comes to creating, maintaining, and maybe even promoting employee engagement.  What can leaders do to improve it?

There are a number of things leaders can do.

Leaders need to consider and sincerely communicate the value of the activities and tasks coworkers provide.  The perception of the importance of the job has a significant impact […]

Employee Engagement: What Can Leaders Do to Improve Employee Engagement?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00

Team Building: How Do We Solve Problems and Make Decisions?


Often, when there are problems, people are so sure about what they think the problem is.  You may sometimes wonder…is this the problem or is this…a symptom?  It would be a good idea to incorporate a proven process for problem-solving that guarantees that a rational decision will be made by the team.

As a team member, we should insist on […]

Team Building: How Do We Solve Problems and Make Decisions?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00

Team Building: How Do We Build Cohesiveness?


Sometimes we wonder why certain people were selected to be on our team.  Are they qualified?  You may like them personally, but they are somewhat strangers professionally.  You may have good attendance at your team meetings, (because attendance is required) however, you may not be cohesive.

Cohesiveness is the degree to which members feel connected with and committed to their […]

Team Building: How Do We Build Cohesiveness?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00
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