It seems like there is always some problem with somebody about something. We hope that someday some of these crises will go away. And what makes it worse is that some of these crises seem to be issues we’ve already dealt with in some way in the past. For most of us, crises equal stress. But it may not be all bad.
Stress is an elevation in a person’s state of arousal or readiness caused by some challenge, demand, or crisis. The key is to be able to respond in a healthy way.
As stress arousal increases, health and performance actually improve. Within manageable levels, stress can help sharpen our attention and mobilize our bodies to cope with threatening situations. Studies indicate that people who cope with stress without dire physiological consequences, are able to do so because they have the ability to see crises as opportunities.
If the worst happens, and you survive and recover, and you learn how to cope, despite the worst, then the rest is easy. If something bad happens, think about how to use the experience to make things better. You reduce your stress when you think of the experience as a case study and as a teacher. Consider what you have learned that will benefit you or others in the future. Pause and ponder the proverbial question concerning whether you see the glass as half empty or half full. Consider all of the possible opportunities.
Allow yourself to take regular short breaks as needed. Reduce noise as much as possible. Prepare a comfortable environment for thinking and reflection. Be aware that you may experience some “let down’ when the crisis is over, so continue normal leisure activities, even if you don’t feel like it at the moment. If you approach the challenge or crisis as a learning opportunity, you may emerge from a devastating event stronger, more confident, and more in touch with who you are and what you really want. Like that song says, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Crises and stress can be exhausting, and exhilarating, too.
Try to approach each crisis with an open mind. There is always something we can learn from a crisis: How to recognize it, how to respond to it, and how to remember lessons learned from it.
If you need to find a keynote speaker, plenary speaker, breakout speaker, concurrent session speaker, seminar leader, or workshop facilitator who can deliver in-person, virtually, or via prerecorded session, Kit Welchlin, M.A., CSP, CVP, is a nationally recognized professional motivational speaker and author and can be found at or