Self Improvement

Time Management: Why Do I Feel Overwhelmed?


If you are like me, you are connected, literally and figuratively.  The smart phone is always by your side.  Combine this with all of the non-stop change and you may start to feel grumpy, grouchy, and overwhelmed.

In this fast-paced world, it is common for us to feel overwhelmed.  Given the impact technology has had on our accessibility, it is […]

Time Management: Why Do I Feel Overwhelmed?2020-03-20T12:46:12-05:00

Resilience: What is Resilience?

Professionally, you may have had to deal with a lot of changes and challenges at work.  Personally, you now may have aging parents and friends with serious health concerns.  You sometimes may just want to throw in the towel and give up.  You may need a dose of resilience.

If you look up the word resilience in the dictionary it […]

Resilience: What is Resilience?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00

Employee Engagement: What Can I Do to Improve Engagement?


Most people agree that this employee engagement thing is a good idea. What can a person do to improve employee engagement?

Well, you don’t need a title to be a champion for employee engagement.  There are a number of things you can do to help improve employee engagement.

The first thing you can do is decide…that you like your work.  Do […]

Employee Engagement: What Can I Do to Improve Engagement?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00

Team Building: What is Norming?


There are formal and informal methods for facilitating and participating in meetings.

Parliamentary procedures are still used at annual meetings and board meetings.

Today we are talking about norming.  Norms are basically informal rules of conduct.  Norms are shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and procedures.

After a period of conflict, one idea might emerge as the best one, or the team might combine […]

Team Building: What is Norming?2020-03-20T12:46:15-05:00

Change: What Tools Do I Need?


Our organizations’ culture is change adverse.  Change, just for the sake of change, seems silly and unnecessary to many people.  The word “change” can cause people to get upset and threaten to leave.  It would be nice to have a toolbox with the right tools to adjust the culture and change a few things.

There are three tools I know […]

Change: What Tools Do I Need?2020-03-20T12:46:16-05:00
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