Kit Welchlin

Customer Service: How Do We Create A World-Class Customer Service Culture?

We sure hear a lot about organizational culture. It would be nice if people were nicer to each other at work. I believe these interactions between coworkers affect customer service.

One of my favorite books on customer service is “Great Customer Service On the Telephone” written by Kristin Anderson. The book recommends that […]

Customer Service: How Do We Create A World-Class Customer Service Culture?2020-03-20T12:46:21-05:00

Customer Service: What About Business Cards?

I think so, but be sure to consider improving your business card and how you use it. In a great book entitled, “50 Ways to Win New Customers” written by Paul Timm, recommends that we give more than just a business card.

Here are some of the tips:

Have your card designed to include […]

Customer Service: What About Business Cards?2020-03-20T12:46:21-05:00

Resilience: What is Resilience?

Professionally, you may have had to deal with a lot of changes and challenges at work. Personally, you now may have aging parents and friends with serious health concerns. You sometimes may just want to throw in the towel and give up. You may need a dose of resilience.


If you look up the word resilience […]

Resilience: What is Resilience?2020-03-20T12:46:23-05:00

Hiring the Best People: What About Rewards and Recognition?

Many organizations believe a paperweight or a plaque is a rewards and recognition program. However, some rewards aren’t very rewarding. And some recognition activities aren’t very motivating. Keep in mind that every recognition action can have a value in reinforcing positive job performance.

Some of the best recognition programs, recognize the best performers, in a number […]
Hiring the Best People: What About Rewards and Recognition?2020-03-20T12:46:24-05:00

Hiring the Best People: What About Employee Retention?

Some organizations suffer from high turnover. It’s like a revolving door. The organization doesn’t seem to be hiring the right people, for the right reasons, to do the right jobs, and employee retention is difficult.

The most critical step is hiring the right person in the first place. Nothing worse than hiring the wrong […]

Hiring the Best People: What About Employee Retention?2020-03-20T12:46:24-05:00
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