Kit Welchlin

Emotional Intelligence: How Do I Enhance My Self-Awareness?

I’m sure people say you’re good at your job, you’re competent, you’re smart, and you’re pretty funny. How do you know if what they’re saying is true or whether they’re just being nice? How does a person know themselves, really?

We often see ourselves in the reflection of others, a mirroring of the judgments of those around us. This is called […]

Emotional Intelligence: How Do I Enhance My Self-Awareness?2023-02-02T08:43:55-05:00

Time Management: What’s My Biological Time Clock?


Have you noticed at different times of the day you have energy and sometimes you struggle?  Do you sometimes struggle to stay on task and to be productive or creative?  Does your energy ebb and flow during the day and throughout the week?

Well, it may be time to recognize your biological time clock.

Consider this, are you generally a morning […]

Time Management: What’s My Biological Time Clock?2020-03-20T12:46:12-05:00

Time Management: Why Do I Feel Overwhelmed?


If you are like me, you are connected, literally and figuratively.  The smart phone is always by your side.  Combine this with all of the non-stop change and you may start to feel grumpy, grouchy, and overwhelmed.

In this fast-paced world, it is common for us to feel overwhelmed.  Given the impact technology has had on our accessibility, it is […]

Time Management: Why Do I Feel Overwhelmed?2020-03-20T12:46:12-05:00

Resilience: What Are The Benefits of Resiliency?

You may sometimes feel like a pinball in a pinball machine; pushed over here, bumped over there, and then getting your bell rung.  Sometimes you may wonder about the benefit of perseverance.  You keep clawing back, fighting your way back to the top of your game, just to face changes and challenges, again.

Life isn’t always easy.  Life is full […]

Resilience: What Are The Benefits of Resiliency?2020-03-20T12:46:13-05:00

Resilience: What is Resilience?

Professionally, you may have had to deal with a lot of changes and challenges at work.  Personally, you now may have aging parents and friends with serious health concerns.  You sometimes may just want to throw in the towel and give up.  You may need a dose of resilience.

If you look up the word resilience in the dictionary it […]

Resilience: What is Resilience?2020-03-20T12:46:14-05:00
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