
Customer Service: Do People Still Use the Telephone? [Video]

We ask ourselves: Do people still use the telephone? In fact they do. About 80% of business transactions require using the phone.

Watch Kit Welchlin’s video to hear some easy techniques to use while speaking over the phone with your customers. These techniques will improve your communication skills so that you can provide world class customer […]

Customer Service: Do People Still Use the Telephone? [Video]2020-03-20T12:46:38-05:00

Customer Service: 8 Points of Encounter [Video]

To provide great customer service, we need to identify and improve our points of encounter. In this video, Kit discusses how we can improve our points of encounter. He lays out eight important points of encounter that will create and maintain a professional work environment.

Eight Points of Encounter:

  • When people become aware of what we do […]
Customer Service: 8 Points of Encounter [Video]2020-03-20T12:46:38-05:00

Customer Service: Do Your Customers Say Wow or Whoa? [Video]

Communication is key for building long lasting customer relationships. What does your customer service say about you? We either exceed the customer’s expectations or we don’t.

Bad customer service causes frustration and anger. In this video, Kit Welchlin offers techniques on how you can wow your customers:

  • Did you call back?
  • Did you show up?
  • Did you do […]
Customer Service: Do Your Customers Say Wow or Whoa? [Video]2020-03-20T12:46:38-05:00

Telephone Skills

Click “Play” to watch a brief video featuring Kit Welchlin from this presentation:

The most important interactions with customers and co-workers can happen over the phone. Using the telephone effectively involves much more than simply dialing numbers and chatting with your favorite person.

Telephone Skills2020-03-20T12:46:39-05:00

The Johari Window Of Trust

Trust is based upon self-awareness and disclosure.  People must get to know us before they trust us.

One of the easiest ways to dissect this is through the “Johari Window Of Trust.”  Click the Play button below to learn more now, and be sure to leave me a comment with your thoughts:

<center><iframe width=”480″ height=”360″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

To Your Success!

Kit Welchlin

P.S.  Trust […]

The Johari Window Of Trust2020-03-20T12:46:39-05:00
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