
Stress Management: How Do You Find Delight in Delays?

Is your schedule full and your stress level high? Do you have any time for distractions or delays? When others drop the ball, does it blow your stack? Often we don’t have room in our calendars for disruptions. How can we respond more effectively to delays?

When we get stuck in traffic, or the flight is delayed, or the train is […]

Stress Management: How Do You Find Delight in Delays?2022-12-21T16:57:07-05:00

Change: Am I Surviving or Thriving?

Change is hard pretty much for everybody. Some people are merely suffering through it. Some people are skipping down the hallway, high fiving and back slapping, acting as if there is nothing to worry about. Is it possible to thrive rather than just survive change?

In a great book entitled, “Strategies for Fast-Changing Times” written by Nate Booth provides six […]

Change: Am I Surviving or Thriving?2022-12-15T09:42:59-05:00

Change: Why Am I Acting Like a Victim?

Often, when there are lots of changes at work, people start to vent with their coworkers. You know the old saying, “misery loves company.” And after some carping, soon, nobody loves the company, any more.

People start to feel like victims. It is natural to feel worried and concerned during times of change and often we blame others.

Sometimes, we throw a […]

Change: Why Am I Acting Like a Victim?2022-12-08T16:51:04-05:00

Change: Why Am I Afraid of Change?

It seems kind of funny to be afraid of the future, when you are creating it. You have an important role, you’re creating the future, the organization believes in you, or you wouldn’t still have your job.

Your organization is trusting that you will be putting your best effort forward to be successful with the new methods, processes, or ways.

Worry is […]

Change: Why Am I Afraid of Change?2022-11-30T14:11:55-05:00

Resilience: How Do I Move Forward?

Have you been knocked down and have you gotten back up? Now catch your breath. It’s time to move forward.

One of the best ways to move forward is to set some realistic goals. Nothing outrageous, nothing sensational, just set some simple goals that are sensible.

Start by taking care of yourself. Consider being well-fed, well-rested, and well- exercised. Small accomplishments in […]

Resilience: How Do I Move Forward?2022-11-17T10:08:57-05:00
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