If you are like me, you are connected, literally and figuratively.  The smart phone is always by your side.  Combine this with all of the non-stop change and you may start to feel grumpy, grouchy, and overwhelmed.

In this fast-paced world, it is common for us to feel overwhelmed.  Given the impact technology has had on our accessibility, it is difficult to be unavailable.  Being connected all of the time is exhausting.  And I don’t believe the pace of change is slowing down.  With smart phones, email, text messaging, social media, and now even our wrist watches, it has become increasingly difficult to disconnect.

The key is to be discerning.  Consider the positive and negative aspects of each technology, and social media platform, and how involved you really need to be.

Control interruptions and set boundaries in your personal and professional schedule by scheduling small blocks of quiet time for reflecting, thinking, decision-making, reading, and relationship building without the interruptions from technology.

Time management is the key to balance, and balance is critical to our emotional and physical wellbeing.

How to Manage Your Time

Take some of the control back in your personal and professional life.  Determine the right things for you to do and limit the less important and less fulfilling activities.  It’s your life, so enjoy it, without feeling guilty.

Finally, invest time nurturing your friendships.  There is a direct, positive relationship, between maintaining friendships and maintaining well-being.  Identify your most positive friendships, put them on a list and thoughtfully consider the time and activities you can enjoy with them.

Make some adjustments in your behavior and your life.  Shut off your smart phone at different times of the day and evening.  Say, “no” to some activities and just mail a check instead.  Then you might have the time available to maintain your relationships with friends and family face-to-face.

Minor changes in your priorities will have a major impact on your activities.  Stop for a few minutes a day and remind yourself about what really matters and choose to spend some time on that.

If you or members of your organization are struggling with time management, contact me at kit@welchlin.com and I will provide a presentation packed with time management strategies that work.