
Am I not listening?

People are hearing, but may not be listening. There are many types of non-listening behaviors.

Pseudo-listening, where it looks like you are listening, but you are not. It is an imitation of the real thing.

Another is stage-hogging. This is when a person, turns every topic of conversation to themselves, instead of showing interest in the other […]

Am I not listening?2020-03-20T12:46:29-05:00

Am I Managing Conflict? [Video Blog]

When in conflict situations with coworkers they can sometimes get irrational and emotional. Sometimes it seems like they aren’t listening to you and your great ideas. Do you ever feel like sometimes they aren’t telling me everything they know. Have you ever wondered whether a person can manage conflict?

You may not be able to manage […]

Am I Managing Conflict? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00
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