
Do the Old and the New? [Video Blog]

Lately there has been so much change in your organization. Systems seem to be influx. You might not feel sure the new way will be better than the old way.

Scared that all will be lost? I bet you’re wondering if you should continue to do both the old and the new?

The question shouldn’t be whether […]

Do the Old and the New? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:32-05:00

What is Performing? [Video Blog]

You love being part of a team. You might love performing in front of an audience of team members. There is no “I” in team. You need to be more concerned about the team’s performance, rather than just your own.

Well, when we talk about the performing stage, we are talking about the team putting the […]

What is Performing? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:32-05:00

What is Norming? [Video Blog]

Do you miss parliamentary procedures, calling the meeting to order, rapping the gavel? really miss that gavel. Yeah…yeah…Roberts Rules of Order…good times…good times. Here’s one for you — you’re out of order.

Yes, that is the formal method used to discuss topics and reach decisions. Parliamentary procedures are still used at annual […]

What is Norming? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:32-05:00
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