men and women

Who talks more, women or men?

Have you noticed when you walk by the cubicles you can hear women talking freely with each other, but not so much the men.  Then you get in a staff meeting and the men are babbling like crazy and the women are hardly talking.

One of my favorite books is, You Just Don’t Understand, by Dr. […]

Who talks more, women or men?2020-03-20T12:46:31-05:00

What do men and women talk about?

When you are standing around at work and shooting the breeze with your coworkers, do you feel comfortable and confident in your conversations?   Or have you noticed that sometimes the conversation with someone of the opposite sex feels awkward?  Maybe it is because men and women talk about different things.

You may feel somewhat awkward because […]

What do men and women talk about?2020-03-20T12:46:31-05:00

Gender Communication: Are You Getting the Hint?

Are You Getting the Hint?

One of the biggest differences in communication between men and women is that men make statements and women ask questions. When women ask questions they are leaving it open for the other person to talk about whatever they wants. Women also ask questions in order to give hints to what they […]

Gender Communication: Are You Getting the Hint?2020-03-20T12:46:37-05:00

Gender Communication: Do Men And Women Speak a Different Language?

Do Men And Women Speak a Different Language?

You may feel comfortable speaking to a person of the opposite sex, but it could very well not be the case. Men and women do in fact speak a different language. At least they have a different vocabulary. For example, men use more swearing, expressions of hostility, and expletives. Women use 5 – 7 […]

Gender Communication: Do Men And Women Speak a Different Language?2020-03-20T12:46:37-05:00
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