
What Happens After the Meeting? [Video Blog]

Attending meetings can be fun and motivating, but what happens after the meeting? Sometimes nothing. Ever wonder what you are doing wrong?

It really is everyone’s responsibility to write down notes during the meeting. This is to help ensure they don’t miss important information, future tasks, or activities for which they are held accountable.

There should be […]

What Happens After the Meeting? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00

Do I Need To Attend This Meeting? [Video Blog]

Do you ever get vague meeting notices and wonder if you really needed to attend? Wouldn’t it be great to receive a meeting notice that has some of the details of the meeting ?

In order to have a successful meeting, you have to create a detailed meeting notice. A good meeting notice would […]

Do I Need To Attend This Meeting? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00
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