
Team Building: How Do You Actively Participate on Teams?

Sometimes we don’t feel like participating in team meetings. At times we feel ignored or inadequate. This is what I think, if we are going to be attending a team meeting, we may as well participate.

There are four key components to actively participating on teams. The first one is to maintain or enhance the self-esteem […]

Team Building: How Do You Actively Participate on Teams?2020-03-20T12:46:26-05:00

Am I An Effective Negotiator? [Video Blog]

Do you find yourself, given your important position in the organization, constantly negotiating contracts and conflicts. Ever wonder if your an effective negotiator?

Effective negotiators know there are three phases to negotiation:

  • Pre-play – gathering information
  • Inter-play – face-to-face discussions
  • Post-play – options if no agreement […]
Am I An Effective Negotiator? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00
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