effective leadership

Change: How Do I Overcome Resistance?


Some people act like turtles when it comes to change.  They already move slowly, and when they hear there are going to be changes, they stop, pull in their heads, legs and tails, and stop in their tracks.  Often there is some resistance to change.  Having a process is critical to move change along.  John Kotter’s book entitled, “Leading […]

Change: How Do I Overcome Resistance?2020-03-20T12:46:15-05:00

Change: Do I Have To?


What might be adding to your disdain concerning change is your self-talk.

It is amazing how our psychological framing of change can have such an impact on how we accept change.

Whenever we use negative phrases like I “must do”, or I “have to do” or I “should do”, it creates a negative attitude and a reluctant reaction to change.  Trying […]

Change: Do I Have To?2019-02-15T12:33:52-05:00

Change: Why am I Acting Like a Victim?


Often, when there are lots of changes at work, people start to vent with their coworkers.  You know the old saying, “misery loves company.”  And after some carping, soon, nobody loves the company, any more.

People start to feel like victims.  It is natural to feel worried and concerned during times of change.  Often we blame others.

Sometimes, we throw a […]

Change: Why am I Acting Like a Victim?2020-03-20T12:46:17-05:00

Employee Engagement: What Can Leaders Do To Improve Employee Engagement?

Leaders play a big role when it comes to creating, maintaining, and maybe even promoting employee engagement. What can leaders do to improve it?

There are a number of things leaders can do.

Leaders need to consider and sincerely communicate the value of the activities and tasks coworkers provide. The perception of the importance of the job […]

Employee Engagement: What Can Leaders Do To Improve Employee Engagement?2020-03-20T12:46:23-05:00

Employee Engagement: What Can I Do To Improve Engagement?

Most people agree that this employee engagement thing is a good idea. What can a person do to improve employee engagement?

Well, you don’t need a title to be a champion for employee engagement. There are a number of things you can do to help improve employee engagement.

The first thing you can do is decide…that you […]

Employee Engagement: What Can I Do To Improve Engagement?2020-03-20T12:46:23-05:00
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