I have noticed over the years, if I dress a little better, I feel a little better. I like to wear comfortable clothes, but sometimes I wonder if I look a little sloppy. When I dress dowdy, or my fashion is frumpy, I feel less confident in some professional settings, meetings, or important conversations.

Studies indicate, people who purposely dress down can sometimes lose confidence in themselves. That loss of confidence affects anxiety and self-esteem.

Some have said that when you look good, you feel good. Dressing up a little can help facilitate communication. Because of the power of first impressions, the way you present yourself with your appearance and clothing, can affect your relationships with others as well as how you view yourself.

The Power of Dressing Up

Dressing appropriately for the situation is a sign of respect for yourself and for the people around you. It makes it easy for people to give you compliments and treat you respectfully.

Dressing thoughtlessly can create barriers in your relationships. Critical comments from friends or family, and under the breath remarks from coworkers or strangers, can wear you down.

This isn’t about dressing up to cover up low self-esteem issues or call attention to yourself. It’s really about self-respect, being neat and clean, and appropriately dressed for the occasion.

Thoughtfully considering what you wear, and always looking classy, comfortable, and confident. By consciously dressing to reflect the best of who you are, feeling put together and professional, can give you a boost of self-assurance and help you feel positive about your ability to assert yourself.

Dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable and you will have an abundance of energy throughout the day.

Some claim that clothes make the man or woman. I don’t know. But I do know this, dressing in clean, pressed, and appropriate clothes, quietly affirms your importance and self-worth.

If you or your coworkers are struggling with self-esteem issues, contact me at kit@welchlin.com and I will deliver a presentation packed with dozens of strategies that will help.