
Emotional Intelligence: How Do I Enhance My Self-Awareness?

I’m sure people say you’re good at your job, you’re competent, you’re smart, and you’re pretty funny. How do you know if what they’re saying is true or whether they’re just being nice? How does a person know themselves, really?

We often see ourselves in the reflection of others, a mirroring of the judgments of those around us. This is called […]

Emotional Intelligence: How Do I Enhance My Self-Awareness?2023-02-02T08:43:55-05:00

Difficult People: Why Do People Become Difficult?

My guess is that you are probably a reasonable person, but some of your coworkers and customers can be demanding, picky, angry, and whiny.

One of my favorite books is entitled, “Dealing with People You Can’t Stand” written by Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kirschner. The book claims that we all have four intentions in the workplace; to get it […]

Difficult People: Why Do People Become Difficult?2023-01-24T21:02:54-05:00

Difficult People: How Do I Neutralize Negative Attacks?

What do you do when you work with people or know people that say that you’re stupid, or you’re incompetent, or you’re not worth anything, or you dress like a dope? What can you say so that you can stay strong when you are surrounded by difficult people?

Here are four techniques to neutralize those negative attacks that come from difficult […]

Difficult People: How Do I Neutralize Negative Attacks?2023-01-17T16:05:33-05:00

Customer Service: What Are the Eight Points of Encounter?

There are eight points of encounter that give you the opportunity to create a sensational customer experience.

The first point of encounter is when people become aware of what you do and hear about your organization. It might be the web site, it might be a referral, or it might be some great marketing materials you sent out.

The second point of […]

Customer Service: What Are the Eight Points of Encounter?2023-01-11T14:58:23-05:00

Customer Service: How Do We Create A World-Class Customer Service Culture?

This year, let’s focus on creating a world-class customer service culture. We sure hear a lot about organizational culture. It would be great if people were nicer to each other at work because these interactions between coworkers affect customer service.

One of my favorite books on customer service is “Great Customer Service On the Telephone” written by Kristin Anderson. The book […]

Customer Service: How Do We Create A World-Class Customer Service Culture?2023-01-06T14:05:39-05:00
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