
Am I not listening?

People are hearing, but may not be listening. There are many types of non-listening behaviors.

Pseudo-listening, where it looks like you are listening, but you are not. It is an imitation of the real thing.

Another is stage-hogging. This is when a person, turns every topic of conversation to themselves, instead of showing interest in the other […]

Am I not listening?2020-03-20T12:46:29-05:00

Aren’t Hearing and Listening the Same Thing? [Video Blog]

There is a difference between hearing and listening. We hear 24 hours a day, but we really, out of those 24 hours, we listen very little. There is more to listening than just hearing. We have to be active if we want to be an effective listener.


Aren’t Hearing and Listening the Same Thing? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:34-05:00
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