forming a team

Team Building: How Do You Get Team Members to Talk?

It is important to get team members to talk. What limits interaction is when we remind people that we don’t have money in the budget or that we tried that once and it didn’t work.

Good meeting participants know how to get participation. They say the right things in the right ways to invite […]

Team Building: How Do You Get Team Members to Talk?2020-03-20T12:46:26-05:00

Team Building: How Do You Actively Participate on Teams?

Sometimes we don’t feel like participating in team meetings. At times we feel ignored or inadequate. This is what I think, if we are going to be attending a team meeting, we may as well participate.

There are four key components to actively participating on teams. The first one is to maintain or enhance the self-esteem […]

Team Building: How Do You Actively Participate on Teams?2020-03-20T12:46:26-05:00

How Do You Form a Team? [Video Blog]

Getting tired of working alone and kind of lonely? You have probably even decided to form a team and hold a meeting. That way you can see people, feel important, and eat donuts. Forming a team and holding a meeting is the practical alternative to work.

Yet, creating a team is not supposed to be the […]

How Do You Form a Team? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:32-05:00
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