
Intercultural Communication: What About Uncertainty Avoidance?

I’m sure you have noticed, whether you are a college student or out there in the “real world,” how differently people approach change and risk.

There could be an element of intercultural communication coming into play called uncertainty avoidance.

Some cultures accept and even welcome risk, uncertainty, and change; others are uncomfortable with these unavoidable trends. […]

Intercultural Communication: What About Uncertainty Avoidance?2020-03-20T12:46:22-05:00

Intercultural Communication: What About Power Distance?

As I have gotten older, I have noticed that some of my college students see me as just this old guy that has read a few books. I feel little status. However, some of my other students thank me for sharing my knowledge and ideas, and recognize and support my status.

I have a hunch this […]

Intercultural Communication: What About Power Distance?2020-03-20T12:46:23-05:00

Employee Engagement: What Are The Benefits of Employee Engagement?

You may have great benefits at work such as health, dental and disability.

Depending on your job or industry, it may seem hard to really see or measure the benefits of employee engagement. It may just be a feeling we have.

However, this is what we do know. An […]

Employee Engagement: What Are The Benefits of Employee Engagement?2020-03-20T12:46:23-05:00

Hiring the Best People: What About Rewards and Recognition?

Many organizations believe a paperweight or a plaque is a rewards and recognition program. However, some rewards aren’t very rewarding. And some recognition activities aren’t very motivating. Keep in mind that every recognition action can have a value in reinforcing positive job performance.

Some of the best recognition programs, recognize the best performers, in a number […]
Hiring the Best People: What About Rewards and Recognition?2020-03-20T12:46:24-05:00

Hiring the Best People: What About Employee Retention?

Some organizations suffer from high turnover. It’s like a revolving door. The organization doesn’t seem to be hiring the right people, for the right reasons, to do the right jobs, and employee retention is difficult.

The most critical step is hiring the right person in the first place. Nothing worse than hiring the wrong […]

Hiring the Best People: What About Employee Retention?2020-03-20T12:46:24-05:00


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