cultural communication

Cross-Cultural Communication: How Formal Should I Be?

You have probably noticed a difference in how informally and formally people interact with each other.

Cultures, like the United States, are sometimes called egalitarian, symmetrical, or horizontal, because we believe that humans are created equal. Interpersonal relationships follow this theme of equality. Interpersonal relationships operate on a fairly equal basis regardless […]

Cross-Cultural Communication: How Formal Should I Be?2020-03-20T12:46:22-05:00

Cross-Cultural Communication: Can You Give Me Some Space?

Some people stand really close to each other when they talk. Some people stand across the room when they chat. So, do you close the gap or ask people to back up and provide some space?

Often different cultures have different orientations to social space. Spatial distance is just as powerful […]

Cross-Cultural Communication: Can You Give Me Some Space?2020-03-20T12:46:22-05:00
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