
Do the Old and the New? [Video Blog]

Lately there has been so much change in your organization. Systems seem to be influx. You might not feel sure the new way will be better than the old way.

Scared that all will be lost? I bet you’re wondering if you should continue to do both the old and the new?

The question shouldn’t be whether […]

Do the Old and the New? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:32-05:00

Is this a big deal? [Video Blog]

When there has been so much change in an organization over the past few years, there have been many power struggles, complaints, alliances, and dysfunctional behaviors. When it comes to arguments and fights, how does a person figure out, “what’s a big deal?”

During times of change, systems are influx and communications are strained. Often when people […]

Is this a big deal? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00

Am I freezing like a deer? [Video Blog]

Does it feel like your organization has dealing with nonstop change for the past few years. Maybe you’ve made some great decisions. Maybe you’ve a couple of booboos. Do you feel like your losing your confidence in decision-making?  You might even feel like you’re being so cautious, like you’re freezing like a deer in the headlights?

Am I freezing like a deer? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00

Why Am I Acting Like a Victim? [Video Blog]

With all the changes going on in your organization, it can feel nice to vent your coworkers. You know…get it out. Misery likes company right?  And, you ask yourself, “Why am I acting like a victim?”

It is natural to feel worried and concerned during times of change.  Often we blame others. Sometimes, we throw a pity […]

Why Am I Acting Like a Victim? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00

Do I Join The Anti-Change Crowd? [Video Blog]

There’s so much change going on these days. Do you like the old days? Are you thinking of joining the anti-change crowd? I would not recommend joining the anti-change crowd. Some people will decide not to change and they may not be able to keep their career.

I learned a long time ago growing up on the […]

Do I Join The Anti-Change Crowd? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:33-05:00
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