Empowerment: How Do You Create an Empowerment Culture?
My coworkers say that they’ve “got my back.”
My coworkers say that they’ve “got my back.”
The first few days or weeks at a new job can leave a person feeling alone, uncertain, and worthless. When it comes to hiring the best people and keeping them, think about better training for the first couple of months, and people will feel valued, included, and special right away.
You should […]
If you have ever suffered through a bad hire, two decisions were made: not hiring the right person… and hiring the wrong person.
Be sure to review equal employment opportunity guidelines. You want to be sure you have reviewed employment laws, so you don’t […]
How does the self-concept develop?
One of the sources of self-concept is based upon our experiences. Think about the years you were growing up. What did you read? What did you watch on TV? What were the topics of discussion? What did you talk about? Who were your friends? What are your memories concerning your neighborhood? […]
We need a healthy self-concept and a positive self-esteem. However, all of us have areas of our lives we could improve.
Your self-concept is what you believe about yourself. It is your image of who you are. It’s your feelings and thoughts about your strengths and weaknesses. Your self-concept is your thoughts and feelings about your […]