Have you been knocked down and have you gotten back up? Now catch your breath. It’s time to move forward.
One of the best ways to move forward is to set some realistic goals. Nothing outrageous, nothing sensational, just set some simple goals that are sensible
Start by taking care of yourself. Consider being well-fed, well-rested, and well-exercised. Small accomplishments in these three areas will rebuild your mind, body, and soul and propel you forward into life with a positive and hopeful outlook. Taking care of yourself will make it easier to absorb the setbacks.
Spiritual practices, meditation, or at least positive visualization, can help reinforce your resilience and will keep you focused on what you want, rather than worrying about what you fear.
Return to former activities and old interests that are easy to enjoy. Recall things you used to enjoy doing before you took this job. Reconnect with old friends that you haven’t seen in years. Then continue to engage in those activities that you still find to be satisfying and relaxing.
Some experts suggest journaling your thoughts and feelings, thus being able to track progress and review choices made. I have found that writing a good-bye letter to those things that have been lost, or unable to be recovered, helps to acknowledge the value of it, and helps me accept the new reality.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that some of these ideas will work for you and some won’t. And as you recover, some will become unnecessary to continue, as you regain your strength. Be open to new approaches and be flexible.
Once we get back on our feet, it’s time for us to take a step forward. Not a giant step, just a comfortable step, and then start moving back into a full stride. Chart your course, invest in yourself fully, and be on your way.
Kit Welchlin is a nationally recognized professional motivational speaker and author and can be found at www.welchlin.com and www.SeminarsOnStress.com.