
Resilience: What Are the Benefits of Resiliency?

You may sometimes feel like a pinball in a pinball machine; pushed over here, bumped over there, and then getting your bell rung. Sometimes you may wonder about the benefit of perseverance. You keep clawing back, fighting your way back to the top of your game, just to face changes and challenges, again.

Life isn’t always easy. Life is full of struggles. Change, in […]

Resilience: What Are the Benefits of Resiliency?2022-10-19T18:02:33-05:00

Generational Communication: What Is Work-Life Integration?


Work and Life balance is starting to be a requirement rather than a luxury.  The younger generations are insisting on balance in their lives.  Organizational culture is changing.  Regular hours seem relatively irregular.  Now there’s this work-life integration idea floating around.

Yesterday, when it came to attitudes about life and career, people would try to build a life around their […]

Generational Communication: What Is Work-Life Integration?2022-08-30T14:32:19-05:00

Generational Communication: How Will I Lead?


Today, leadership is difficult, more complicated and more nuanced.  So, now, how do we lead this new workforce?  Some changes will probably need to be made.

Yesterday, problem-solving was just for those with expertise and for others to follow standard operating procedures.  Tomorrow, we need to be prepared to improvise due to so many first-time and first-ever issues and challenges.  […]

Generational Communication: How Will I Lead?2022-08-30T14:30:41-05:00

How to Handle Stress at Work

People often ask me, “How can I reduce stress at work?” The good news is that the mind has a hard time telling the difference between what is real or well-imagined. We have all heard that perception is reality. So, let’s use our imagination to our advantage rather than disadvantage and create many ways we can reduce stress […]

How to Handle Stress at Work2022-07-20T15:50:38-05:00

How to Deal with Stress in the Workplace


People often as me for suggestions on how to deal with stress at work.  Preparation is the key to being able to reduce stress and deal with stress at work.  From the minute you get up and start getting ready for work, considering what to wear, what you will do for lunch, and you should also be thinking about […]

How to Deal with Stress in the Workplace2022-07-18T16:23:54-05:00
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