Self Improvement

What Is The Self-Concept?

We need a healthy self-concept and a positive self-esteem. However, all of us have areas of our lives we could improve.

Your self-concept is what you believe about yourself. It is your image of who you are. It’s your feelings and thoughts about your strengths and weaknesses. Your self-concept is your thoughts and feelings about your […]

What Is The Self-Concept?2020-03-20T12:46:26-05:00

What Strategies Influence Others?

There are several strategies you can implement that influence others. Finding a copy of the mission statement or value statement would be a good start.

Use facts and data to make logical and rational presentations of ideas. Solid reasoning is persuasive.

Use flattery, create goodwill, act humbly, and be friendly long before you make a request. Friendliness […]

What Strategies Influence Others?2020-03-20T12:46:26-05:00

What are Spheres of Influence?

The concept of sphere of influence concerns the domain, or the areas of our careers, in which one can effectively exert influence.

Think of the spheres of influence like a set of concentric circles, in which influence is strongest near the center, and weaker as the distance from the center increases. Your personal sphere of influence […]

What are Spheres of Influence?2020-03-20T12:46:26-05:00

How Do I Increase My Power?

You can increase your power to influence. Power is something you have, whereas influence is something you do.

Power in organizations has three sources. Positional, Relational, and Personal. So don’t forget, there is more to power than position.

Of course positional power is based upon the position you hold in the organization and includes authority, reward, and […]

How Do I Increase My Power?2020-03-20T12:46:27-05:00

Is Social Skill What Emotional Intelligence is All About?

Social skill is more than having a few Facebook friends.

Social skill is the outcome of the other dimensions of emotional intelligence.  Social skill is friendliness with a purpose; moving people in the desired direction, whether that’s agreement on a new strategy or enthusiasm about a new product.

Socially skilled people have many acquaintances, and they have […]

Is Social Skill What Emotional Intelligence is All About?2020-03-20T12:46:30-05:00
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