
Strategic Planning: What is Strategic Planning?

Have you heard people talking about developing a strategic plan? Strategic planning might be a good idea.

The term strategic planning refers to a coordinated and systematic process for developing a plan for the overall direction of your organization’s endeavor for the purpose of optimizing future potential. A strategic plan is a […]

Strategic Planning: What is Strategic Planning?2020-03-20T12:46:24-05:00

Mentor Leadership: How Do We Start?

Sometimes it seems hard to get a mentor leadership program off the ground.

It is ideal if your organization creates a clear strategy for mentor leadership opportunities. A thoughtful framework helps determine the guiding principles, clarifies reasons for the program, helps define the objectives, and create a plan for implementation.

The organization must be clear about the […]

Mentor Leadership: How Do We Start?2020-03-20T12:46:24-05:00

Mentor Leadership: Do I Need a Mentor?

Do I need a mentor? Would this be a good use of my time?

Well let’s discuss whether this would be a good use of your time.

If you would like to broaden your opportunities, this would be a good use of your time. A mentor can help you develop important professional connections, expand your network personally, […]

Mentor Leadership: Do I Need a Mentor?2020-03-20T12:46:25-05:00

Mentor Leadership: What is Mentor Leadership?

Many of us are students of leadership and professional development.

Mentor leadership refers to the activity when a leader, or a senior member, of an organization, shares their wealth of experience with a junior or inexperienced member.

Mentor leadership is the creation of a personal development relationship between a leader, or mentor, and a person in the […]

Mentor Leadership: What is Mentor Leadership?2020-03-20T12:46:25-05:00

Team Building: How Do You Get Team Members to Talk?

It is important to get team members to talk. What limits interaction is when we remind people that we don’t have money in the budget or that we tried that once and it didn’t work.

Good meeting participants know how to get participation. They say the right things in the right ways to invite […]

Team Building: How Do You Get Team Members to Talk?2020-03-20T12:46:26-05:00
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