Kit Welchlin

Stress Management: What About Taking Scheduled Time Off?

Are you pooped out? I mean physically exhausted. Do you get home and sit down to watch your favorite TV program and the next thing you know it’s 1:30 in the morning and there is an infomercial on selling exercise equipment with people huffing, puffing, sweating, saying how good they feel? You may need a break and take a little […]

Stress Management: What About Taking Scheduled Time Off?2023-05-16T09:33:53-05:00

Stress Management: Does Reading Relieve Stress?

Often we have so much dry, boring, technical information we have to read at work. It can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. It’s hard to belief reading can relieve stress.

However, reading can reduce stress, especially if you pick something you enjoy. The University of Sussex found that reading for just six minutes has been shown to reduce stress by 68 […]

Stress Management: Does Reading Relieve Stress?2023-05-10T08:42:02-05:00

Stress Management: Do Positive Affirmations Really Work?

Here is a stress management strategy I would like you to try this week. Many of us have challenging jobs. We sometimes feel stressed and insecure. It might help to give ourselves a pep talk. You are probably great at motivating others and telling them how great they are, but do you sometimes struggle to motivate and feel good about […]

Stress Management: Do Positive Affirmations Really Work?2023-05-08T08:05:31-05:00

Stress Management: What About Some Plants?

I know last month was Stress Awareness month, however, you may still be dealing with some stress in your life. Nearly everybody struggles with stress, especially at work. If the office is sterile and the air is stale, it might be a struggle to find some stress relief.

Recently on LinkedIn I posted an article entitled, “Twenty Scientifically Backed Ways to […]

Stress Management: What About Some Plants?2023-05-03T11:07:24-05:00

Stress Management: Is Stress Motivating?

Are you a goal-oriented person? Do you plan? Do you prioritize? You may have noticed that some of your coworkers don’t. Then coworkers have to scramble to get things back on track. People really hustle when there is a problem or an emergency. Stress can be motivating, and then, again, it can be just plain stressful.

Stress and motivation can go […]

Stress Management: Is Stress Motivating?2023-04-30T16:54:42-05:00
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