Kit Welchlin

Stress Management: What About Friends?

I’m sure you have a lot of friends, personally, and professionally. Often, we try not to discuss the stressful events in our life with them. We don’t want to burden them with our problems. Besides, when we are down, some friends would suggest that we just have fun and paint the town red; whatever that means.

However, sharing our predicaments with […]

Stress Management: What About Friends?2023-04-21T08:50:33-05:00

Stress Management: Am I Dressed for Success or Dressed for Stress?

I like to wear comfortable clothes, but sometimes I wonder if I look sloppy. When I dress dowdy, or my fashion is frumpy, I feel less confident, and that causes me to feel stressed in some professional settings, meetings, or important conversations. Maybe you feel the same way. So, the question is, are you dressed for success or are you […]

Stress Management: Am I Dressed for Success or Dressed for Stress?2023-04-21T08:39:12-05:00

Stress Management: How Do You Find Delight in Delays?

Is your schedule full and your stress level high? Do you have any time for distractions or delays? When others drop the ball, does it blow your stack? Often we don’t have room in our calendars for disruptions. How can we respond more effectively to delays?

When we get stuck in traffic, or the flight is delayed, or the train is […]

Stress Management: How Do You Find Delight in Delays?2023-04-19T14:51:54-05:00

Stress Management: How Do You Respond to Crises?

It seems like there is always some problem with somebody about something. We hope that someday some of these crises will go away. And what makes it worse is that some of these crises seem to be issues we’ve already dealt with in some way in the past. For most of us, crises equal stress. But it may not be […]

Stress Management: How Do You Respond to Crises?2023-04-18T09:51:41-05:00

Stress Management: Where Does Your Time Go?

We are so busy Monday through Friday and have so many tasks to complete. Some people try to make up time by sleeping less. Do you wonder where does your time goes?

We all get the same 24 hours a day Monday through Friday. How are you spending yours?

In my time management seminar, participants fill out a worksheet and reflect on […]

Stress Management: Where Does Your Time Go?2023-04-16T20:46:16-05:00
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