
Stress Management: What Role Do I Play?

Sometimes we feel unlucky and wonder if the world is really against us. The boss criticized our work. We’re living beyond our means. We’re stressed. So, what role do we play with all of this stuff?

According to the American Psychological Association, the top two sources of stress are job stress and financial pressure. But maybe, the number one source of […]

Stress Management: What Role Do I Play?2023-06-20T10:38:17-05:00

Stress Management: What About Worrying?

Have you heard of a worrywart? Is worrying a problem? I remember hearing one time that most of what we worry about never happens. Some things we worry about; already have happened and we just haven’t accepted them.

We also worry about needless healthcare concerns. Am I going to get the flu? Am I going to develop heart disease? All you […]

Stress Management: What About Worrying?2023-06-16T10:36:06-05:00

Stress Management: What About Watching TV?

Some people watch television to relieve stress. Watching television may be a remedy to minimize stress, but then, again, it could be a cause of some stress. It may be distracting you to such a point that other tasks and activities are being ignored, which may cause more stress later.

I was recently reading a book entitled, Stop Stress This Minute, […]

Stress Management: What About Watching TV?2023-06-14T14:28:27-05:00

Stress Management: Take a Hike

Do you find yourself sitting at your desk responding to endless emails? Do you find yourself sitting in important meetings and making critical decisions? Do you have a stressful job? At your last meeting, did one of your coworkers say, “Take a hike.” Should you take a hike?

If you have a stressful job, and you don’t get much of a […]

Stress Management: Take a Hike2023-06-12T09:18:34-05:00

Stress Management: What About Social Comparison?

I have felt like a winner at different times of my life. I have also felt like a loser at different times of my life. Sometimes I compare my progress, personally and professionally, to others and feel less than. I start to beat myself up, judging my weaknesses, questioning my past choices, and start to feel my stress level rise.

Can […]

Stress Management: What About Social Comparison?2023-06-07T09:55:25-05:00
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