
Why Is Listening So Tiring? [Video Blog]

Sometimes it’s hard to listen. You may feel like your co-workers just keep going on and on. It can be exhausting.

Listening effectively is hard work. The heart rate quickens, respiration increases, and your body temperature rises. Just like a stress response, it can be physically and psychologically draining.

The process of listening involves a sequence of […]

Why Is Listening So Tiring? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:34-05:00

Do I Have a Personal Brand?

Even if your organization has it’s own products, services, and a brand, you still need to be your own brand. To be an effective leader, you need to possess powerful ethos, as they would have called it 2500 years ago.

When people hear your name, what do they think? If your reputation proceeds you, what is […]

Do I Have a Personal Brand?2020-03-20T12:46:34-05:00

Does It Depend on the Situation? [Video Blog]

Leadership style. Does it really depend on the situation? You have your own unique style, but when it comes to leadership, it really does depend on the situation. It comes down to two things: Competence and Confidence.

Your individual staff members are either competent or not and confident or not. You need to modify your leadership […]

Does It Depend on the Situation? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:34-05:00

Do You Feel Powerful? [Video Blog]

You might have the title. You might have the office with your name on the door. You might possess the positional power. But do you feel powerful? Leadership is more than positional power.

Even with positional power, there are still three more power basis to develop.

  • Reward Power – Your ability to influence by granting desirable consequences […]
Do You Feel Powerful? [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:34-05:00

Interview with The Business Forum Show: Part 2 [Video Blog]

The Business Forum Show Presents Kit Welchlin – Part 2

The Business Forum is a radio show that discusses good business. The insights provided can aid any business with information that can guide them to become world-class organizations.

Listen and watch as Kit sits down with Kevin Hunter, the host of The Business Forum Show on AM […]

Interview with The Business Forum Show: Part 2 [Video Blog]2020-03-20T12:46:37-05:00
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