
How do you reward the different generations?

What motivates you? For some of your coworkers it might be recognition; the more public the better. How do you reward all of the different generations?

The Veterans or Traditionals rely on their own personal appreciation of a job well done. This generation expected to work hard and to enjoy a pension or a defined retirement […]

How do you reward the different generations?2020-03-20T12:46:31-05:00

Do the generations have different career goals?

Baby Boomers like a good challenge. Boomers have worked hard to climb the ladder of success. Do the generations have different career goals?

The oldest generation, the Veterans or Traditionals expected to work in the same industry and enjoy lifetime employment with the same organization.

The Baby Boomers go to work to make change and to make […]

Do the generations have different career goals?2020-03-20T12:46:31-05:00

Why are the generations so different?

Baby Boomers encourage change.  What about the other generations?  Why are the generations so different?

Each generation had significant events during their formative years.  These events and trends have affected the way each generation sees the world.

Veterans or Traditionals experienced the Great Depression and World War II.  So they don’t spend money freely and patriotism is […]

Why are the generations so different?2020-03-20T12:46:31-05:00

Who talks more, women or men?

Have you noticed when you walk by the cubicles you can hear women talking freely with each other, but not so much the men.  Then you get in a staff meeting and the men are babbling like crazy and the women are hardly talking.

One of my favorite books is, You Just Don’t Understand, by Dr. […]

Who talks more, women or men?2020-03-20T12:46:31-05:00

What do men and women talk about?

When you are standing around at work and shooting the breeze with your coworkers, do you feel comfortable and confident in your conversations?   Or have you noticed that sometimes the conversation with someone of the opposite sex feels awkward?  Maybe it is because men and women talk about different things.

You may feel somewhat awkward because […]

What do men and women talk about?2020-03-20T12:46:31-05:00
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