
What is Pre-Play?

The question is: What is pre-play? Sometimes when negotiating, the first few minutes are awkward and the conversation gets off on a slow start. You may be unsure of how to start. What can you do to be better prepared?

This is often referred to as pre-play in negotiation. Pre-play, or the pre-negotiation tactics, are the […]

What is Pre-Play?2020-03-20T12:46:27-05:00

What About Personality Conflicts?

There can be personality conflicts on teams and at the meetings. Some meetings are like a verbal fist-fight – someone leads with a sarcastic statement, someone responds with an innuendo.

Even though people selected the same industry, interviewed to work in the same organization, personalities might still clash.

Hopefully you have a ground rule that you can […]

What About Personality Conflicts?2020-03-20T12:46:27-05:00

What If Someone Won’t Participate?

Some smart people don’t say much at meetings. They may be shy or timid; and we need them to participate.

There are a number of strategies that help to get people to participate in meetings.

One of the best ways to engage silent members is to ask “What” and “How” questions in their area of expertise, besides […]

What If Someone Won’t Participate?2020-03-20T12:46:28-05:00

What Are Some Meeting Ground Rules?

Sometimes coworkers act like children during meetings: making faces, passing notes, laughing at…not with team members, and being just plain sassy. It helps to set ground rules.

There are a number of different areas to consider when establishing ground rules.

Here are just a few: required or optional attendance, promptness – individually and as a group, usual […]

What Are Some Meeting Ground Rules?2020-03-20T12:46:29-05:00

What Are Meeting Roles?

It is always awkward at the start of a meeting. Everyone is talking, and chit chatting, and need to get down to business. Establishing meeting roles will help.

There are five roles that need to be played during the meeting: a facilitator or leader, a time keeper, a ready and willing flip chart recorder or erasable […]

What Are Meeting Roles?2020-03-20T12:46:29-05:00
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