I’m sure you have recognized how the work force has changed since 2020 and you may be wondering how it will affect you. You are established in your position, secure with your skills, and work well with coworkers, so, what’s the big deal?
The demographics of your coworkers will probably change a lot over the next few years and you may need to, also.
Currently, there may still be a few Veterans or Traditionals, the oldest generation, actively and gainfully employed in your organization.
Today, the Baby Boomers may still be the majority of your workforce, but they are retiring quite quickly and seeking other life pursuits other than work and career.
The Gen Xers are moving into more leadership positions. They currently make up a little less than 30 percent of the workforce.
There are more Millennials or Gen Y’s, than Gen Xers, working today.
Now we add the Gen Z’s at about 10-15% depending on your organization or industry.
Now toss in the variables of virtual reality, social media, human diversity, information overload, institutional insecurity, technology, and globalization – now “that’s a big deal.”
It may be wise to concentrate on developing the ability to adapt.
There are many powerful forces at play. If your organization is feeling the strain of change caused by generational differences, contact me at kit@welchlin.com and I will provide a presentation packed with strategies for success.