Facilitation Skills and Facilitating Discussion: Motivating Your Team and Creating Innovative Ideas
Meeting for Results: When to Lead and When to Participate
Effective Meetings: Getting Along and Getting Things Done
Meetings: The Most Overused And Underutilized Communication Tool
It’s been calculated that 11 million meetings take place every day in the United States, and not all them at your organization.
Meetings are effective tools for decision-making, introducing and supporting change, and developing a spirit of teamwork. However, meeting usually take more time than necessary and are much less productive than they should be.
Participants will learn…
- the four keys to leading meetings successfully
- the questions you need to ask before the meeting
- the questions you need to ask during the meeting
- how to participate constructively
- how to evaluate others’ ideas without damaging their self-esteem
- the twelve techniques essential for effective meetings
Are you suffering death by meeting? It’s up to you to make meetings more productive!
What a great experience having you as our keynote speaker. Your insights, dynamic presentation, and perfect touches of humor will surely have a positive impact on our experiences and interactions in the future. Attendee comments included: Loved the laughter you provoked and the audience participation really drove your points home!” “PLEASE INVITE HIM BACK!”
Michelle Hagen-Berube, Committee Chair, Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital