• Can’t get it all done?

  • Feel like a hamster or a gerbil in a wheel?

  • Does everything seem urgent and important?

  • Feeling stress from poor time management?

  • Is procrastination your problem?

Click “Play” to watch a brief video featuring Kit Welchlin from this presentation:

Achieving Results:  Getting More Done in Less Time

Manage Your Time, Manage Your Work, and Manage Yourself

Time Management Techniques to Regain Control of Your Life!

We all get the same 168 hours each week. How effectively are you using yours? It is important to recognize the tasks and activities in our lives in which we have some control, if not total control, and maximize our time and life management. Given the demands of this new economy and our fast-paced personal lives, effective time use is a critical skill.

Time is a unique resource. Day to day, everyone has the same amount. It cannot be accumulated. You can’t turn it on or off. It can’t be replaced.

Learn to improve your effectiveness and efficiency through better time management and get more done in less time. Learn time management techniques and regain control of your life!

Participants will learn

  • the self-generated time bandits that rob you of your time
  • the environmental time bandits that rob you of your productivity
  • what controls your time
  • the three tests of time
  • the top twenty time management techniques

“We received feedback from several people that their favorite element of this year’s convention was your presentation.  The laughter during your session was great to see.”
Lori Laiduly, Minnesota Paralegal Association

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