Keynotes, plenary sessions, breakout sessions, concurrent sessions, seminars, and workshops delivered in-person, virtually, or prerecorded. Ask Kit about his breakout and concurrent session pricing!

Stress Sucks. It sucks your time, it sucks your energy and it sucks your productivity. Kit Welchlin is experienced in delivering proven strategies to help manage stress and increase productivity.




Stress Is Draining

Stress, burnout, fatigue. All these can be detrimental to the workplace. Starting to feel tired? Tired of your customers? Tired of your coworkers? Tired of your family? Stress attacks us physically and psychologically and drains us of our productivity and love of our personal and professional lives.

Stress Erodes Productivity

Nearly half of the nation’s workers say that job stress is destroying their mental and physical health, eroding their productivity. How much is it costing your organization when your employees are stressed? How many work days are missed and customers are lost simply because staff members don’t have the strategies to cope?

Stress Is Manageable

Kit at Seminars On Stress is experienced in delivering proven strategies to help manage stress and increase productivity. Book Kit today. He will provide your organization with tips and techniques that he guarantees will produce results.

Kit Welchlin, Seminars On Stress


Presentations by Seminars on Stress have been described as “dynamic,” “relevant,” “entertaining and educational.”

Seminars On Stress can and will provide your organization with the stress management skills it needs.


We all need to understand enough about stress to prevent as much of it as possible. We all need to identify and handle stress early to minimize the damage. We need psychological strategies and physical remedies to relieve the stress and increase productivity. Can you imagine a workplace where employees are motivated, energized and seeking challenge rather than being physically, psychologically and spiritually fatigued?

Kit Welchlin has delivered over 600 speeches and seminars on stress management to public and private organizations, helping employees to manage stress and increase productivity.

If you want results, contact Kit at Seminars On Stress. Kit will come to your organization, provide a seminar on stress and deliver proven strategies that will manage stress and increase productivity.


Change and Stress and
Doing More with Less

Handling Stressful Situations
and Difficult Discussions

Stress Management:
Are You a Burnout?

Work and Life Balance:
Balancing The Quickness, Quantity,
and Quality Of Your Life

STP: Stress, Time, and
Procrastination Management


Whether you are facing change in your professional or personal life, you need to be equipped with the techniques to master change and minimize the damage of stress caused by change. With shrinking budgets, and the call to do more with less, it is critical to know how to stay calm and rational, even in a crisis, and get it done at crunch time.

Attendees will Learn:


Have you ever said that you feel burned out, well, maybe you are. When physical fatigue and psychological fatigue team up, they can create burnout. Burnout isn’t something you recover from with some time off over the holidays or long weekends through the summer. If you truly become burned out, it may take years to recover.

Attendees will Learn:


When we are under stress it is hard to keep track of all of the things we are responsible for. Priorities, unreasonable deadlines, and others’ mistakes, becomes overwhelming. Effective and efficient time management techniques become crucial. Nearly 40% of the stress we feel is caused by poor time management and procrastination is often the cause.

Attendees will Learn:


In order to enjoy good health and feel a sense of well-being, you must have a good balance with professional productivity, personal recreation, and positive relationships, with the ones you live with and work with. Many of us are overachievers and it is hard to balance the demands of our careers, family, and friends.

Attendees will Learn:



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Posted on 1 March 2025 in S.O.S Blog

I know how stressful farming can be.  I grew up on a hog and dairy farm in southern Minnesota and there were some years we simply volunteered.  Agriculture is so sensitive to weather, exports, and commodity prices.  We also raised corn and soybeans on our farm and you can imagine how excited I was to be invited back, for the fourth time, to speak at the Watonwan County Corn and Soybean Growers annual meeting.  I grew up in Watonwan County knew nearly everyone in the room.  It was fun to reconnect with old friends and share 55 strategies for staying up when the markets are down.

One of the strategies I suggested was to avoid negative people.  Negative people can be physically, psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually draining.  Negative people can be one of life’s biggest stressors.  

Both personally and professionally, be careful how much time and effort you invest in a relationship with a negative person.  Identify boundaries that will minimize the damage.  Boundaries may include limits on actions, physical space, conversational topics, expression of certain emotions, and how topics are handled.

Emotional contagion is the process by which emotions are transferred from one person to another.  You catch the mood or attitude of another.  It’s like catching a virus.  Negativity creates barriers to positive change, blocks productivity, and kills morale.

If you have to interact with negative people, minimize your exposure, and have a survival kit available to pick yourself back up emotionally and mentally.  I keep a “survival kit” handy.  I carry along a favorite photo of myself when I was young and believed I was invincible, a list of things I love to do, and a list of things I am thankful for.  Just reviewing these items lifts my spirits.

Negative people can drag you down and cause you stress.  If you must interact with them, try to side-step the negativity, and prepare your own “survival kit” to pick yourself back up quickly. 


Posted on 15 Feb 2025 in S.O.S Blog

Miscommunication and misunderstandings are part of work life.  It is stressful when it happens, especially with difficult discussions and in stressful situations.  Coworkers and colleagues often misunderstand each other; whether they know it or not.  Mistakes and miscues cause stress.  Though we don’t plan or expect to make life difficult for each other, we often mistake the ideas and feelings of a person of different generation.  We can understand and improve communication between the generations with some understanding of their backgrounds. 

A couple of weeks ago I spoke at the ND County Roads Conference in Fargo, North Dakota.  My presentation was “Generational Communication:  How to Connect and Communicate in a Multi-Generation Workplace.”  Effective Communication is critical for organizational success.

Each generation had significant events during their formative years.  These events and trends have affected the way each generation sees the world.  

Veterans or Traditionals experienced the Great Depression and World War II.  So, they don’t spend money freely and patriotism is very important to this oldest generation.

The Baby Boomers, grew up during the Vietnam Era, the Civil Rights Movement, and Women’s Liberation.  This generation experienced being change agents and believe individuals can make a difference.

Generation Xers grew up with Watergate and corporate lay-offs.  Gen Xers may not be able to fully trust government institutions or big business.  Xers grew up in single-parent homes and are self-reliant and are independent.

Millennials or Generation Y grew up with school violence, terrorism, and multiculturalism.  So, Millennials have a concern for personal safety and expect diversity in the workplace.

Gen Z grew up with the internet and leverage technology to simply their work and personal life.  They work for organizations where they feel purpose and have passion.

Different life experiences create generational sub-cultures.  A culture that has been shaped by the values, standards, and policies of one generation isn’t necessarily going to be compatible with the next generation.  Throw in a big dose of technology and the friction gets worse.


Posted on 24 Jan 2025 in S.O.S Blog

You can manage stress more effectively when you have a mentor that shows you the ropes and introduces you to people that will help you succeed. Sometimes it seems hard to get a mentor relationship started. 

You can manage stress more effectively when you have a mentor that shows you the ropes and introduces you to people that will help you succeed. Sometimes it seems hard to get a mentor relationship started. It would be ideal if your organization creates a clear strategy for mentor leadership opportunities. January is National Mentoring Month and you probably want to turn talking into acting. A thoughtful framework helps determine the guiding principles, clarifies reasons for the program, helps define the objectives, and create a plan for implementation. As a corporate keynote speaker, I recommend that the organization must be clear about the purpose of the mentor leadership program. Short-term and long-term goals need to be discussed. Given the scope of the program, it is important to determine who and how many mentors and mentees will need to be recruited. It is wise to consider the characteristics for selecting both mentors and mentees. If we are trying to develop new leaders, then we need to pair seasoned leaders with mentees. If we are seeking retention, we need to pair charismatic, or naturally social leaders, with mentees. It is important to provide skill building training for both mentors and mentees. All of the soft skills become critical, including empowerment, listening, supportiveness, collaboration, and assertiveness. The training should also consider how to assess strengths and weaknesses, how to identify developmental objectives, and how to discuss and clarify the roles and responsibilities of participants. Make sure your organization doesn’t just jump into a mentor leadership program without giving these guidelines some serious consideration. The key to mentor leadership is to take it seriously. As a keynote speaker on leadership, I strongly believe organizations must take the time to train staff. Our members, coworkers, and younger employees need us to provide a thoughtful framework that guarantees success for all. If you need to find a keynote speaker, plenary speaker, breakout speaker, concurrent session speaker, seminar leader, or workshop facilitator who can deliver in-person, virtually or via prerecorded session, Kit Welchlin, M.A., CSP, CVP, is a nationally recognized professional motivational speaker and author and can be found at or


Posted on 14 Jan 2025 in S.O.S Blog

One of the best ways to manage stress is to have a mentor or to be a mentor.  When you are new to an organization there many questions, concerns, and awkward moments.  Having a mentor relieves a lot of that stress.  Being a mentor re-energizes leaders and provides comfort that miscues can be prevented.

Many of us are students of leadership and professional development.  Since January was National Mentoring Month, it is probably a good idea to discuss it.  Mentor leadership refers to the activity when a leader or a senior member of an organization shares their wealth of experience with a junior or inexperienced member. Mentor leadership is the creation of a personal development relationship between a leader or mentor, and a person in the organization that demonstrates leadership potential.  Sometimes the recipient of the mentoring activities is referred to as a protégé, apprentice, or mentee. Mentoring is the act of sharing relevant insight and wisdom that accelerates the mentee’s personal and professional development. Mentoring not only helps the mentee, it also benefits the organization overall. As a corporate keynote speaker, I share that studies show that there is a positive correlation between a positive mentoring experience and a measurable improvement in productivity, retention, commitment, satisfaction, knowledge sharing, leadership growth, and succession planning. Given the positive impact, mentor leadership should be a strategic organizational priority. Signs of a successful mentoring relationship include:  willingness of both mentor and mentee to ask questions, challenge ideas and suggestions, freely and openly discuss personal and professional goals, give honest feedback, and express appreciation for each other’s efforts. There are many people that can be magnificent mentors.  Mentor leadership should be part of our standard operating procedures. As a keynote speaker on mentor leadership, I remind people that it takes time and commitment from both parties, but I think it is worth the investment.  The mentor enjoys the satisfaction of watching someone grow, and the mentee gains a feeling of being valued.  Not bad.


Posted on 18 Jan 2024 in S.O.S Blog

Is your schedule full and your stress level high? Do you have any time for distractions or delays? When others drop the ball, does it blow your stack? Often we don’t have room in our calendars for disruptions. How can we respond more effectively to delays?

When we get stuck in traffic, or the flight is delayed, or the train is late, we can start to get stressed out. But there may be a different and more positive way to look at delays in your life. I suggest you find delight in delays. When things don’t go as plan, and our schedule suffers a delay, have a list in hand of things you can do along the way. There are a number of things you can do now in this mobile world to take the pressure off. Here are a few suggestions. You can send a couple of short emails to help move other projects along. Do some brainstorming on a problem at work or at home. Review your calendar, and double check to make sure that nothing else you have committed to, is, or has, fallen through the cracks. Read that article that you just haven’t taken the time to read. Watch that video blog on how to find delight in delays on You can call your Mom or Dad for a quick chat…just to check in and catch up. You can call a friend back that you haven’t had the time call and at least leave a voice mail message. You can text a couple of people and stay in touch. You can take a couple of pictures, or review your photo gallery, and post to your social media. Simply find delight in the delays. Don’t be obsessed with the delay and with your plans being disrupted. You don’t need to feel trapped. You can feel free. You can delight in the delays Create a list of everything you would like to do, read, or consider. Keep it close and find delight in the delays. If your organization or industry suffering from significant stress, contact me at and I will deliver a presentation with physical and psychological remedies to dial down the stress factor.


Posted on 21 Dec 2016 in General | 0 comments
Nearly everybody struggles with stress. If the office is sterile and the air is stale, it might be a struggle to find some stress relief.
Recently on LinkedIn I posted an article entitled, “Twenty Scientifically Backed Ways to De-Stress Right now” written by Meredith Melnick. In the article she reminds us that the stress response of “fight or flight” helped our ancestors escape from predators and dangerous situations. Now it is slowly killing us. A couple of her stress relief strategies had to do with plants. She recommends getting a houseplant. Plants aren’t just beautiful air purifiers, they can actually help you calm down. Researchers have found that being around plants can induce a relaxation response. One study found that a group of stressed-out people who entered a room full of plants enjoyed a four-point drop in their blood pressure. The other plant-related stress management strategy in the article recommended eating a banana or a potato. Potassium helps to regulate blood pressure. People find that eating a banana or a potato when they’re feeling stressed, improves energy and recovery. If you happen to have plenty of natural light in your office, consider getting a plant or two. You don’t have to have a banana plant or a potato plant, any plant I grew up on a farm and was surrounded by corn, soybeans, alfalfa, trees, and gardens. I sometimes forget how positive it was for me. I can smell that sweet country air already. Get yourself some, too. Get a plant or two and relieve some stress today. If your organization is struggling with stress, contact me at and I will deliver a speech or seminar on stress management that will save your staff.


Posted on 16 Nov 2016 in General | 0 comments
Have you ever been casually driving your car and then realize that the radio is off, the phone is on silent, and you feel relaxed and calm?
Ever been working in your office alone, in the quiet, and feel less stressed? What about requesting silence ever once in awhile? Life is noisy: from our households, to our offices, to our entertainment choices. Much of our personal and professional lives are filled with noise. Music, television, radio, and podcasts fill our ears. And, some of these physical noises can cause stress. Keep in mind, our central nervous system reacts or responds to each and every sound. Hormones are released, heart rate increases and decreases, and our blood pressure changes. A World Health Organization report called it noise pollution. Their report suggests this exposure to environmental noise has adverse effects on our health. Some studies claim noise pollution can cause distress, sleep loss, high blood pressure, hearing loss, and have a negative impact on overall health. Loud noises raise stress levels by activating the brain’s amygdala and causes the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Some sounds are calming, like a babbling brook, or the distance sounds of nature. Nice, but not readily available. Try scheduling several five-minute quiet sessions spread throughout your day. Even two minutes of silence can be more relaxing than listening to relaxing music, noted by changes in blood pressure and blood circulation to the brain. The key to peacefulness is to let go of both external and internal noises to minimize stress. A few times a day, find a quiet place, go to a window, look out to the landscape, breathe deeply and slowly, quiet your mind, and idle down.


Posted on 19 Oct 2016 in S.O.S Video Blog | 0 comments
You’ve heard about this stress management stuff for years. It is important to have a few techniques to use throughout the day to manage the stress.
Did you know, in 30 percent of cases, what the first sign of heart disease is? Sudden cardiac death – a heart attack. There are many benefits to managing stress: reductions in occurrences of and the severity of the common cold, depression, anxiety, muscle tension, chronic pain, road rage, anger, insomnia, skin rashes, digestive tract disorders, diabetes, and hypertension. Unfortunately some people manage stress by self-medicating through eating too much, spending too much, or maybe smoking or drinking. According to the Wellness Council of America, take away smoking and poor diet, and stress is considered by many experts to be one of the top lifestyle risk factors for heart disease. Overall, experts estimate 75-90% of all doctor visits are for stress related conditions. If stress is a risk factor in your case, you might not get any warning before you find out that your level of stress has been too high. Of course there are long-term benefits to stress management, like reducing the chances of early cardiac arrest. But don’t forget the immediate benefit of less stress and more enjoyment of your life today. Practice stress management techniques. Make it a lifestyle. Enjoy the benefits. Pick up a few more stress management strategies to keep it fresh. Stress is the wear and tear caused by life. Stress management is a big deal. The strategies, however, are not that hard to do. Learn a few techniques, work them into your daily schedule and live a long, happy, healthy life.


Posted on 26 Sep 2016 in General | 0 comments
Have you heard of a worrywart? Is worrying a problem?
I remember hearing one time, that most of what we worry about never happens. Some things we worry about; already have happened and we just haven’t accepted them. We also worry about needless healthcare concerns. Am I going to get the flu? Am I going to develop heart disease? All you can do is eat well, get adequate rest, and engage in a little exercise. The rest is fate. Some things we worry about are petty. That’s the day we don’t like how our hair looks, isn’t that funny, that’s the day we get the most compliments about our hair. But when we do worry, we need a proven strategy to minimize the damage. Here are some thoughts: Write it down. Make a list of your worries. Identify what you are really worried about. When worries come into your mind, consciously say to yourself, “I’m going to write this down, I’m not going to worry about this now.” Redirect your thoughts and energy and later, review the list when you can actually do something about it. When you write down your worries, it removes your anxiety from trying to remember. Later, you can turn what would have been anxiety, into energy, and take action. Get a pencil and a pad of paper. Write down your worries. Worrying can be destructive to our physical and psychological wellbeing. Worrying can wear us down, along with everyone else around us. Write down your worry, brainstorm solutions with others, take action, and watch worry wash away!

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